August 30, 2009

Food For Thought, or not

Recently several people at work were forcibly transferred due to lack of work. (Actually not, since they got called back right before the warden flipped the switch.) So, in an attempt to bid them bon voyage, we threw together a little carry in.

Every Bobby Flay wanna be has dreams of putting together the ultimate carry in success. No left overs and people asking for the recipe. Of course when feeding thirty people, a recipe has to be fairly simple, transport well, and hopefully be inexpensive. Unless you really like your coworkers, then time and money don't matter. Or you're uber competitive and then make sure to serve it in your finest china.

Me, I usually almost forget and just grab a bag of chips or a couple boxes of cookies on the way in. In the rare times I actually remember to make something, I opt for cheap and simple. Kind of like my brother's first two wives.

So I decided to make my soon to be legendary Pizza Dip. And I'm not one to measure anything so good luck with this.

8 oz cream cheese, softened
8 oz shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 package diced pepperoni (or cooked Italian sausage. Or raw if you want a trichinosis outbreak)
1 jar pizza sauce
1 can diced Italian seasoned tomatoes, well drained and rediced, because Red Gold cans them in chunks

Mix it all up, bake it in the oven at 375 degrees for about 35 minutes (or you can microwave it for about ten, whatever works for you)

Save a handful of mozzarella and sprinkle it on top to make it pretty

Serve with Club crackers or those crunchy bread sticks or pretzel sticks or sliced Italian bread

Now, if you know your crowd, throw in a can of drained mushrooms or diced green peppers or some green onions. That crowd would not include my brothers, they're kind of picky eaters.

August 20, 2009

Back to the Grindstone

Some lucky South Carolinian just won Power Ball. That means I, nor any one I am related to, won the quarter of a billion dollars. Too bad, I had all ready spent most of it. It would have been nice.

I could have paid off the credit cards. Of course I wouldn't require them anymore, so I wonder what the fee is to shove a card up a CEO's rectum is up to these days? I won't be finding out anytime soon.

And that tropical island I was eyeballing in the South Pacific, the Caribbean is too close for my tastes, isn't an option. No Mai Tais and cabana boys. No watching the sunset or sunrise from my private beach. Nope, looking like another cold and snowy winter in norther Indiana.

And a car I want, not one the one I settled on. Not that the roller skate is horrible, but I want a Range Rover. Or an Escalade. Something big and obnoxious. For a few weeks, then my hippiness would take over and I'd hire someone to convert it to a hybrid. I'd be rich, I could do what i want.

And my job. The one that doesn't feel like they need me, yet occasionally offers me overtime. The one that pays well, but still hasn't decided where they need me the most. Yeah, that one. I'll be back Sunday night.

Maybe, the next jackpot is only twenty million. Ten if you take the cash payout. After taxes, I might get to keep 2.5 to 3 million of that. Enough to pay everything off and follow my passion. Once i find it.

August 13, 2009

I have found Jesus

OK, not yet, but one day.

The next time I have a stray dog or cat wander into my life, I will name him Jesus. Because I finally found him. (Unless it is a girl kitty or puppy, then I'll name the furry little street walker Mary Magdalene.)

Since dog is just god spelled backwards or god is dog backwards (or ogd for the dyslexics out there), why not?

Think about it, before I found Jesus, my life was empty and without meaning. Now, my life is filled with joyous surprises when ever Jesus is left alone for three days, just watch your step.

Before Jesus, I wandering aimlessly through life. Now, Jesus leads me on his path, through the creek and often into oncoming traffic.

Before Jesus, confusion between the spiritual and worldly. Now, Jesus eliminates the worldly and brings me to the spiritual. One lovely 3 inched heeled leather shoe at a time. God damned puppy!!!!!!

Before Jesus, I awoke to the unknown. Now, the only way to start the day is with a silent prayer to Jesus for a miracle. He better make it outside or I'll crucify him.

So, before your life gets any more out of control, go find Jesus.