October 11, 2009

Amytopia Movie Awards

I've managed to see more movies this summer than I have in a long time. It can be a good way to kill a couple of hours. Or a horrible let down. Since I'm bored and all ready made my nocturnal trip to Wal-Mart and caught up on Project Runway and I don't feel like sewing, here are my 2009 (so far movie awards

OMG! That was Awsome: Star Trek. Fantabulous reset of an old favorite. The effects were awesome. The story bring a little humanity to Spock.

Honorable Mention: Zombieland, Up!, and The Wrestler

Great, Now I Really Need a Beer To Cry In: The Wrestler. For an ugly guy, Mickey Rourke can act.

Honorable Mention: Up!

German Shepherd Head Tilt: Terminator. Great action, awesome story, until the end. Really needed a better ending. Goes to show a Hollywood ending doesn't make for a good story

Surprise, It Didn't Suck: Land Of The Lost. Could have waited until it came out on DVD, but it didn't suck

I Want My Two Hours and Twenty Bucks Back: Shorts. Nickelodeon's feature was a kid movie that felt like it was written by twelve year olds.

Office Barbrady, "Nothing to see here." Award: Surrogates. Bruce Willis as a police detective with a damaged home life. Yeah, same song different verse.

Honorable mention, G-Force. Disney animal film. Hamsters save the world.

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